Gymnocalycium baldianum variegated

  • How to raise peony and cactus balls

    1. The method of watering

    Summer and autumn are dry and well watered! In winter, if it dries thoroughly, it may not necessarily be well watered. Control the amount of water! So it is recommended to water every time it is dry (especially when the temperature is low in winter). To determine the standard, stick a toothpick to see if it is dry, or hold a flowerpot to feel the weight.

    2. Watering time

    In summer, watering is usually done every 5-10 days; 2-3 weeks in spring and autumn; Once a month in winter, if the temperature is below 15 degrees, it is recommended to cut off water (the temperature varies in different regions, judgment criteria, dry and pour thoroughly).

    3. Watering method

    In spring and autumn, it is best to spray in the rain. In summer, it is best to soak in a basin because the spraying is done from the surface of the soil downwards. If the roots come into contact with less water, it is easy to leak out. Over time, it is easy to dry out and eventually die, while soaking in a basin is different. From bottom to top, the roots are easily exposed to water vapor.

    4. Ventilation

    Peony Cactus grows better in well ventilated environments, as poor ventilation slows down the evaporation of water and increases the likelihood of breeding diseases and pests. It prefers to grow in dry environments, and poor ventilation can lead to root rot, which in severe cases can also cause the sphere to rot.

    5. Illumination

    The Peony Golden Cactus has a high demand for light, and it needs to be placed in a well lit area for daily maintenance to ensure a longer daylight period. However, in the summer when the sun is strong, it is necessary to shade it appropriately to avoid sunburn. At other times, it can be placed in a location with direct sunlight for maintenance, especially in winter. Maintaining it indoors in a sunny position is beneficial for it to pass the winter smoothly.

    6. Change basin

    When caring for peony and cactus balls, it is necessary to change the soil every 1-2 years, or decide whether to replace it based on the use status of the soil. If the soil is used for too long, it is prone to compaction and poor air permeability, which is not conducive to the growth of succulent plants such as peony and cactus. When changing pots, it is necessary to prepare new potting soil in advance, which can be mixed with vegetable garden soil, saprophytic soil, and coal slag. Every time the pot is changed, it is necessary to check and trim its roots. When potting, the substrate also needs to be disinfected to prevent residual bacteria from infecting its roots in the soil.

    7. Fertilization

    In the process of breeding peony cactus, it is necessary to apply compound fertilizer rich in nutrients. It is a fertilizer loving plant. In addition to applying base fertilizer during planting, it should be applied every 1-2 months during later growth to ensure the healthy growth of peony cactus.

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Category: Succulents/Cactus spp.
