golden monkey

  • golden monkey This variety of cactus prefers a sunny and dry growth environment, with a golden top and a large size. The most suitable temperature for growth is around 15-30 degrees Celsius.

    Golden crown cactus is a common family horticultural plant, and its maintenance methods are as follows:

    Soil requirements.

    Choosing loose, fertile, and well drained slightly acidic soil is beneficial for the growth and development of roots. You can add some decomposed organic fertilizer as a substrate at the bottom of the pot.

    I like sandy soil with good drainage. Using humus soil, adding sand, sugar ash, and a little bone powder would be better, then stir it evenly.

    Control lighting.

    The Golden Crown Cactus prefers sunlight but is afraid of direct sunlight. In spring and autumn, it can be placed outdoors in a sunny area. In summer, it needs to be appropriately shaded to avoid burns. Do not place it in a location that is too shaded or exposed to strong light for a long time.

    Place it in a place with a certain amount of sunlight every day, do not expose it to too much sunlight or direct sunlight.

    Pay attention to watering.

    Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Water slightly more in spring, spray water frequently in summer to cool down, and control watering in winter. Pot soil that is too wet can easily rot roots.

    Happy to dry, drought resistant. The daily watering of the Golden Monkey Cactus must be done in the morning and evening on a sunny day, and it can be poured thoroughly. Do not pour it on the sphere. It can be poured by spraying. In winter, when the temperature is low, it will also enter a dormant period, so it is important to control watering and remember that even if the cactus is not watered for a year, it will not die!

    Fertilization management.

    Applying compound fertilizer with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium every half month during the growth period can make the plant grow more robust. Note that the concentration should be light, as heavy concentration can cause fertilizer damage.


    The suitable temperature should be maintained above 10 ℃. Below this temperature, it is possible to freeze to death and stop growing. Temperature can be adjusted using air conditioning.


    Cutting or grafting propagation.

    matters needing attention

    Pruning and shaping are beneficial for ventilation and reducing the occurrence of diseases and pests; Flip the pot every two years and add new nutrient soil to develop the roots, which is beneficial for the growth of the ball.

    Following the above maintenance methods can ensure the healthy and robust growth of the Golden Crown Cactus.

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Category: Succulents/Cactus spp.
