Agave americana var.

  • 1、 Morphological characteristics and varieties

    Perennial evergreen large herb, fleshy, with extremely short stems. The leaves are clustered, thick, spoon shaped and lanceolate, grayish green with white powder, with hard spines at the tip and hooked spines at the edge. The scape is thick and robust, and the panicle is terminal. The flowers are light yellow green. The capsule is elliptical or spherical.

    Common variants include: golden edge agave, golden heart agave, silver edge agave, green edge agave, and narrow leaf agave.

    2、 Ecological habits

    Native to Mexico. Strong in nature, fond of sunlight, not tolerant of shade. Slightly cold resistant, can be cultivated in the open air at temperatures above 5 ℃. Adult agave leaves are only slightly affected by freezing damage at -5 ℃, while the aboveground parts are frozen and decayed at -13 ℃. The underground stems do not die, and they can sprout and develop leaves the following year, growing normally. Strong drought resistance. Prefer sandy soil with good drainage, fertile and moist soil. The origin usually takes several decades to bloom, and after flowering, the mother plant withers and does not bloom in the Nanjing area. Cross pollination is the key to fruiting.

    3、 Reproductive methods

    Commonly used for branch propagation. The sprouted seedlings at the rhizosphere will be excavated and replanted with roots from March to April in spring. If the tillering seedlings do not have a root system, they can be planted after rooting in sandy soil. It is also possible to cut a section of the root plant with 4-6 buds for potted planting during spring potting or transplanting.

    4、 Cultivation techniques

    The cultivation and management of agave is relatively simple. Except for tropical and subtropical regions, potted plants in other regions should be placed in low-temperature greenhouses for winter protection. After the Qingming Festival the following year, it was moved outdoors. Colored leaf varieties should be appropriately shaded in summer. During the growing season, the soil in the pot should be kept moist, and water should not be sprinkled on the leaves to prevent brown spot disease. As the new leaves grow, it is necessary to promptly remove the yellowed and withered old leaves at the bottom

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Category: Succulents/Agave titanota
